
The VI was established to provide oversight of other integrity, accountability or investigatory bodies and their officers. The VI is the key oversight body in Victoria’s integrity system.


The VI was established to provide oversight of other integrity, accountability or investigatory bodies and their officers. The VI is the key oversight body in Victoria’s integrity system.

The VI is committed to providing the Parliament and the people of Victoria with independent assurance that these bodies, which collectively constitute Victoria’s ‘integrity system’, act lawfully and properly in the performance of their functions.

The model of integrity oversight adopted by the Victorian Parliament is unique in Australia in how it vests in a single entity (the VI) the oversight of multiple integrity bodies. This allows the VI to take a leadership role within the integrity system and apply learnings from its oversight of any one integrity body across the integrity system, as appropriate.


An integrity system that is robust and trusted.


Public confidence and trust in Victoria’s integrity system

  • The right checks and balances are in place
  • Participants understand rights and responsibilities in the integrity system
  • The community knows when to come to the VI to protect their rights

A robust Victorian integrity system

  • Parliament and integrity agencies have confidence in the VI
  • The VI is positively influencing integrity agencies
  • Intrusive and coercive powers are exercised lawfully
  • The public sector is being held to account

Strategic Priorities 2022–2024

  1. Build community knowledge of rights within the integrity system
  2. Address issues thematically to create improvements across the integrity system
  3. Improve timeliness and ease of access for integrity participants
  4. Continue to build organisational sustainability, capability and a positive culture
