Victorian Fisheries Authority

The VFA can conduct controlled operations pursuant to Part 7A of the Fisheries Act.

The VFA can conduct controlled operations pursuant to Part 7A of the Fisheries Act.

Inspection findings

The VFA did not make an application for an authority to conduct a controlled operation during the period covered by this report, nor did it have an authority that expired or was cancelled during this same period. However, the VI partially inspected one controlled operations file from the previous reporting period to confirm earlier reported errors had been corrected by a supplementary report made to the CEO under section 131R of the Fisheries Act and an amendment to the general register.

The VI also reviewed and provided feedback on draft VFA procedures that deal with making an application for an authority to conduct a controlled operation. The VI commends the VFA for its work in developing more detailed and formal written procedures – and we look forward to reviewing further updates in this respect at forthcoming inspections.

Comprehensiveness and adequacy of the CEO's reports

Section 131S of the Fisheries Act requires the VFA to report to the VI, as soon as practicable after 30 June and 31 December and no more than two months after each date, on the details of its authorised operations conducted during the preceding six months. This section also specifies the details that must be included in the reports.

The VFA submitted these reports to the VI, one for the 1 July to 31 December 2020 period and the other for 1 January to 30 June 2021, in accordance with the statutory timeframes. The VI is satisfied that the reports included all required information.

Work and activities of the VFA

The VFA conducted no controlled operations during the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021. Over the past five years, the number of completed controlled operations at the VFA each year has varied from zero to two.
