Performance measures

The VI’s performance measures are from Budget Paper 3: Service Delivery.

The VI’s performance measures, including a new quantity measure about education and two new timeliness measures, are as follows:

Performance Measure Unit of Measure 2022-23 Target 
Recommendations of the VI accepted by agencies Per cent 75%
Reasons for decisions provided for complaint outcomes Per cent  100%
Educational activities delivered and material or tools produced Number 2
Improvements to the integrity system* Number 6
Acknowledge receipt of new complaints within 5 business days Per cent 95%
Proportion of standard investigations completed within 12 months Per cent 30%

* An improvement to the integrity system is a demonstrable change to the conduct and compliance of any of the integrity, accountability and investigatory bodies oversighted by the VI (integrity bodies).

We identify non-compliance and opportunities for systemic improvement through undertaking our functions (inspections, investigations, monitoring etc) and respond proportionately through the framework of our published Integrity Response Guidelines.

We measure improvements to the integrity system where the VI’s integrity response has demonstrably influenced an integrity body’s conduct to help prevent future non-compliance, such as:

  • an integrity body implementing VI recommendation(s)
  • an integrity body establishing new procedures to prevent systemic recurrence of non-compliance
  • an integrity body changing its application of the law in response to VI feedback.
