2022-23 Annual Report

Read about our 2022-23 achievements in our annual report, tabled in Parliament on 19 October 2023.

2023 marked our 10th birthday and a very productive year for the Victorian Inspectorate.  

Key achievements

  • we undertook more investigations than in any other year (9)
  • we closed 50% more complaints than last year
  • we addressed 25% more enquiries than last year
  • we reviewed 12% more coercive power notifications than last year
  • we published a special report with recommendations to improve IBAC's approach to oversighting and referring police complaints
  • we conducted 15 inspections relating to the use of covert powers
  • we influenced integrity bodies to accept 10 out of 11 recommendations and provided further feedback and observations to strengthen trust in Victoria's integrity system.


Year in numbers
